Process control
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"Understanding" "Preparing" "Confirming" "Performing"! Since its inspection, Kyo-Nichi has always been following the “pre-management” approach and committed to creating safe, stable and reassuring high-quality food products!
“Safety、Stability、Security” food calls for attention to details and perseverance; small red beans have their own feelings and they are red gems grown in fields. Every small red bean is the crystallization of farmers’ hard work that is hard-earned. When a small red bean comes to Kyo-Nichi, it undergoes meticulous “sculpture” by every “food worker” on the bean sorting site, from grain size to shape criteria, and from bright color to grain fullness….the quality safety of every small red bean is the foundation for the final product stability.
“Time, temperature, measurement and sequence” last throughout every process that the small red beans undergo on the processing site: the timing control affects the stability of taste; temperature recording determines the state of grain shape; the correct measurement concerns consistency of flavor; the sequence consistency directly determines the stability of the final product quality.
The ever-improved process control determines the safety and stability of quality, while our ultimate wish is to produce products that provide consumers with peace of mind! The “safety”, “stability” and “Security” in terms of quality are exactly where Kyo-Nichi’s brand value lies and also the pass to the world for Kyo-Nichi products!